Refer and Earn


Refer & Win Double Benefits

Share ConQ with your friends and unlock premium features

Basic Plan


Referral Benefits
Refer 5 Customers

Upgrade to ConQ Advanced Plan + Unlimited Office WhatsApp for 1 Year

Refer 10 Customers

Upgrade to ConQ Premium Plan with Unlimited Features for 1 Year

Advanced Plan


Referral Benefits
Refer 5 Customers

Upgrade to ConQ Premium Plan with Unlimited Features for 1 Year

Refer 10 Customers

6 Months extra Premium Plan benefits (Total 18 Months)

Premium Plan


Referral Benefits
Refer 5 Customers

6 Months extra Premium Plan benefits

Refer 10 Customers

12 Months extra Premium Plan benefits (Total 24 Months)

Benefits Explanation

Existing Customers:
  • Basic Plan: Refer 5 customers to upgrade to Advanced Plan, or refer 10 customers to upgrade to Premium Plan.
  • Advanced Plan: Refer 5 customers to upgrade to Premium Plan, or refer 10 customers to get an additional 6 months of Premium Plan benefits.
  • Premium Plan: Refer 5 customers to get an additional 6 months of Premium Plan benefits, or refer 10 customers to get an additional 12 months of Premium Plan benefits.
New Joining Customers:
  • Receive an Unlimited Office WhatsApp Plan for 1 Year along with any chosen plan or a 20% flat discount on any chosen plan.
Important Notes
  • Plan is activated only after the current plan limit of tenders is exhausted
  • The new plan benefits commence after the current plan's tender limit is exhausted
  • Referral benefits are credited once the referred customer activates their plan